There will always be more work to get done, more activities to sign up for, more media to consume. As a family, we are constantly learning that every yes requires a no to something else. How we prioritize our life is the result of many choices we make daily about how we spend our precious time.
I struggle against being too task-oriented. I think I'll get around to the fun stuff when all my work is done. As we know, the work is never all done. So I'm constantly growing in becoming intentional about planning fun and free time into every day (seems paradoxical, I know).
Try this: stop what you are doing and look into the face of your little one (if you don't have one handy, borrow someone else's). Doesn't that little face just excite you for some fun? To act like a kid, even if just for a few minutes?
As parents, we provide what our kids need. They're looking at us to learn how to be an adult. Yet in some ways they have what we need. We need to look at them and remember how to be like a child.
In Mark 10 Jesus said,
"Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not enter the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it."
That's worth pausing to consider!
Yes to this!